
FRC constitution
Everything you need to know 



This shall be Fenland Running Club.


The objectives of the Club shall be to promote amateur athletics, especially road and cross country running.

  1. The Club shall consist of amateurs, according to the UKA definition of an amateur.
  2. Application for membership shall be made in writing to the Membership Secretary and approved by a majority of the Club Committee.
  3. Each member shall pay a subscription decided by the Club Committee, to be approved at the Annual General Meeting. An optional additional fee needs to be paid if you wish to affiliate with England Athletics.
  4. Subscriptions must be paid for the current year before the member can compete for the Club, except where the Club chooses to waive this rule.
  5. To resign, a member must inform the Club secretary in writing.
  6. Any complaints of misconduct will be investigated and dealt with according to the
    Discipline and Appeal Process.
Club Colours

The colours of the Club shall be purple/blue/red and white vest with FRC logo with black shorts or leggings.

Club Colours must be worn by all members representing the Club at a competitive event.

  1. The Club Committee shall consist of:
    • Chair,
    • Vice-Chair,
    • Secretary,
    • Treasurer,
    • Membership Secretary
    • Lead Welfare Officer
    • a nominated member of the Coaching Committee.
  2. An Honorary President may also be chosen at the AGM.
  3. The Club Committee shall meet monthly.
  4. A quorum for meetings of the Club Committee shall be half of the elected members.
  5. All decisions will be by majority vote – the Chair shall have the casting vote in the event of a tie.
  6. The Club Committee has the power to appoint members to form sub-committees who will liaise with the Club Committee at any point throughout the year.
  7. A competent person, who must not be a committee member, shall be appointed to inspect and verify the accounts.
  8. Any elected committee member who is absent from three consecutive meetings may be asked to resign.
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
  1. The AGM will be held in November to conduct the following business:
    (i) Receive and discuss a report from the Club Committee.
    (ii) Presentation of verified accounts.
    (ii) Election of officers.
  2. Motions to be discussed must be submitted in writing to the Club Secretary at least two weeks before the meeting.
  3. Rules may be changed by two-thirds majority decision.
  4. One quarter of all paid up members will constitute a quorum.
  5. Only members aged 18 and over will be eligible to vote.
Extra-Ordinary General Meeting
  1. An EGM may be held:
    (i) At the request of the Club Committee in a meeting with quorum attendance.
    (ii) Following a written petition to the Club Secretary by ten paid-up members.
  2. Four weeks notice of an EGM shall be given to all members.
  3. One quarter of all paid up members will constitute a quorum.
  4. Only members aged 18 and over will be eligible to vote.
  5. All motions require a two-thirds majority for adoption.
Amendments to Constitution

The Club Committee, by two-thirds majority at a meeting with a quorum, may propose amendments to the Constitution. Changes may only be made at the AGM or at an EGM called for that Purpose.

  1. The Club Committee by two-thirds majority at a meeting with a quorum, may move to dissolve the Club. They must then call an EGM giving four weeks notice to all Club members. If the motion is passed by two-thirds majority the Club will be dissolved.
  2. Alternatively, one quarter of voting members may petition the Club Secretary in writing to call an EGM for the dissolution of the Club.
  3. Upon dissolution any funds remaining after all debts have been met and any assets realised will be donated to the regional governing body for the furtherance of amateur athletics.
Adoption of Constitution

The original constitution was adopted at a meeting held on 6th May 1992.

The amended constitution was adopted at a meeting held on 30th November 2010.

This amended constitution was adopted at a meeting held on 19th November 2019.

This amended constitution was adopted at a meeting held on 28th November 2023.

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